Black Type Race

Pr De Pomone - G2, €246,604, DVL,

08/05/07, , 1m968y, 2:40.90, T, TF
Margins: shd, no, no Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Macleya (Ger), 130, m, 23, by Winged Love (Ire)
1st Dam: Minaccia (Ger) by Platini (Ger)
2nd Dam: Maji (GB) by Shareef Dancer
3rd Dam: Majoritat (Ger) by Konigsstuhl (Ger)
O: Bourne William T
T: Fabre Andre
J: Pasquier S
$102,058 Lifetime: 15-7-2-3, $298,457
2-- Pearl Sky (Fr), 130, f, 2025, by Kahyasi (Ire)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Bourne William T
T: De Nicolay Y
J: Crastus A
$39,391 Lifetime: 14-4-4-1, $229,287
3-- Montare (Ire), 130, m, 2025, by Montjeu (Ire)
1st Dam: Contare (GB) by Shirley Heights (GB)
2nd Dam: Balenare (GB) by Pharly (Fr)
3rd Dam: Flashy (GB) by
O: Bourne William T
T: Pease J E
J: Peslier O
$18,800 Lifetime: 21-6-7-2, $746,908

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