Black Type Race

Cherry Hinton S. - G2, $284,862, NKT,

07/11/07, , 6f, 1:11.66, T, TF
Margins: 1, nk, hd Odds: 1.5, 40, 4.5
1-- You'resothrilling, 124, m, 2025, by Storm Cat
1st Dam: Mariah's Storm by Rahy
2nd Dam: Immense by Roberto
3rd Dam: Imsodear by Chieftain
O: Mr M Tabor & Mrs John Magnier
B: Pacelco
T: O'Brien A P
J: Kinane M J
$80,796 Lifetime: 4-2-2-0, $209,977
2-- Festoso (Ire), 124, m, 20, by Diesis (GB)
1st Dam: Garah (GB) by Ajdal
2nd Dam: Abha (GB) by Thatching (Ire)
3rd Dam: Hardware (GB) by
O: Prince A A Faisal
T: Dunlop H J L
J: Robinson P
$30,622 Lifetime: 3-1-1-0, $39,578
3-- Elletelle (Ire), 127, m, 20, by Elnadim
1st Dam: Flamanda (GB) by Niniski
2nd Dam: Nemesia (Ire) by Mill Reef
3rd Dam: Elegant Tern by Sea-Bird
O: Jesse Club Syndicate
B: Timothy Gleeson & Ashley O'Leary
T: Lyons G M
J: Murtagh J P
$15,325 Lifetime: 4-2-0-2, $114,875

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