Black Type Race

Jockey Club S. - G2, $347,224, NKT,

05/06/07, , 1 1/2m, 0:00.00, T, TF
Margins: 3, nk, 2 1/2 Odds: 2.5, 4, 9
1-- Sixties Icon (GB), 129, h, 22, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: Love Divine (GB) by Diesis (GB)
2nd Dam: La Sky (Ire) by Law Society
3rd Dam: Maryinsky by Northern Dancer
O: San Martin Mateo
B: Lordship Stud
T: Noseda J
J: Dettori L
$101,846 Lifetime: 8-4-0-1, $707,660
2-- Admiral's Cruise, 124, h, 23, by A.P. Indy
1st Dam: Ladies Cruise by Fappiano
2nd Dam: Youthful Lady by Youth
3rd Dam: Slew by Slewacide
O: San Martin Mateo
B: Lazy Lane Stables, Inc.
T: Meehan B J
J: Fortune J
$38,600 Lifetime: 16-5-4-2, $215,987
3-- Mighty (GB), 124, h, 22, by Pivotal (GB)
1st Dam: Miswaki Belle by Miswaki
2nd Dam: Belle Et Deluree by The Minstrel
3rd Dam: Sophisticated Girl by Stop the Music
O: San Martin Mateo
T: Chapple-Hyam Jane
J: Egan J F
$19,318 Lifetime: 9-3-1-4, $96,119

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