Black Type Race

Valedictory S. - L, $108,850, WO,

12/10/06, , 1 3/4m, 2:58.27, A, FT
Margins: 3 3/4, 3 3/4, 5 3/4 Odds: 9.35, 9.2, 1
1-- Marsh Side, 111, h, 22, by Gone West
1st Dam: Colonial Play by Pleasant Colony
2nd Dam: Meteor Stage by Stage Door Johnny
3rd Dam: Northern Meteor by Northern Dancer
O: Evans Robert S
B: Evans Robert S.
T: Dickinson Michael W
J: Wilson Emma Jayne
$65,280 Lifetime: 9-4-1-1, $130,795
2-- Bureaucratic, 115, c, 2025, by A.P. Indy
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Padua Stables
B: Winstar Farm, LLC
T: Carroll Josie
J: Clark D A
$21,760 Lifetime: 11-2-3-0, $102,744
3-- True Metropolitan, 121, g, 2025, by Proud and True
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Cheema Bob
B: Frank Bertolino
T: Richards Lorne
J: Kabel T K
$11,968 Lifetime: 23-9-4-3, $412,420

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