Black Type Race

Duke Of York S. - G2, £348,401, YRK,

05/17/06, , 6f, 1:12.54, T, SF
Margins: 1/2, 2, 1 3/4 Odds: 25, 10, 7
1-- Steenberg (Ire), 128, h, 2025, by Flying Spur
1st Dam: Kip's Sister (GB) by Cawston's Clown (GB)
2nd Dam: Fast Asleep (GB) by
3rd Dam: Noddy Time (GB) by
O: San Martin Mateo
T: Tompkins M H
J: Hills M
$106,798 Lifetime: 36-4-6-3, $379,773
2-- Quito (Ire), 128, h, 2025, by Machiavellian
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: San Martin Mateo
T: Chapman D W
J: Culhane A
$40,477 Lifetime: 94-15-13-10, $602,641
3-- Somnus (GB), 128, g, 2025, by Pivotal (GB)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: San Martin Mateo
T: Easterby T D
J: Kinane M J
$20,257 Lifetime: 26-9-3-1, $1,125,490

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