Black Type Race

Breeders' Cup Classic - G1, $0, CD,

11/04/06, , 1 1/4m, 2:02.18, FT
Margins: 1, 2 1/2, 1 Odds: 6.7, 1.1, 27.8
1-- Invasor (Arg), 126, h, 23, by Candy Stripes
1st Dam: Quendom (Arg) by Interprete (Arg)
2nd Dam: Queen Of Victory (Arg) by Cipayo (Arg)
3rd Dam: Twitch Crown (Arg) by Crown Thy Good
O: Shadwell Stable
B: Haras Clausan
T: McLaughlin Kiaran P
J: Jara Fernando
$2,700,000 Lifetime: 10-9-0-0, $3,790,000
2-- Bernardini, 122, h, 22, by A.P. Indy
1st Dam: Cara Rafaela by Quiet American
2nd Dam: Oil Fable by Spectacular Bid
3rd Dam: Northern Fable by Northern Dancer
O: Darley Stable
B: Darley
T: Albertrani Thomas
J: Castellano J J
$1,000,000 Lifetime: 8-6-1-0, $3,060,480
3-- Premium Tap, 126, h, 23, by Pleasant Tap
1st Dam: Premium Red by Thirty Six Red
2nd Dam: Phylomina by
3rd Dam: Premium Win by Lyphard
O: Kline George Alevizos Peter & Wheli
B: Machmer Hall & W. S. Farish
T: Kimmel John C
J: Prado E S
$500,000 Lifetime: 16-5-3-2, $977,280

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