Black Type Race

Winter Hill S. - G3, £162,054, WSR,

08/27/05, , 1 1/4m, 2:05.02, T, TF
Margins: 3/4, 3/4, 1 Odds: 7, 4, 7
1-- Eccentric (GB), 126, h, 2025, by Most Welcome (GB)
1st Dam: Sure Care (GB) by
2nd Dam: Sure Gold (GB) by
3rd Dam: Carolside (GB) by Music Maestro (GB)
O: Demeo Julia G & John F
B: A S Reid
T: Reid Andrew
J: Holland D
$52,209 Lifetime: 23-9-5-0, $399,867
2-- Hattan (Ire), 122, c, 2025, by Halling
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Demeo Julia G & John F
T: Brittain C E
J: Moore R L
$19,803 Lifetime: 7-1-1-1, $140,118
3-- Fruhlingssturm (GB), 126, h, 2025, by Unfuwain
1st Dam: Fruhlingserwachen by Irish River (Fr)
2nd Dam: Fruhlingshochzeit by Blushing Groom (Fr)
3rd Dam: Fruhlingstag (Fr) by Orsini II
O: Demeo Julia G & John F
T: Jarvis M A
J: Robinson P
$9,902 Lifetime: 18-4-0-3, $110,813

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