Black Type Race

Kennedy Road S. - L, $0, WO,

12/10/05, , 6f, 1:09.55, FT
Margins: Odds: 10.75, 6.4, 9.85
1-- Are You Serious, 113, g, 23, by You and I
1st Dam: Iron Feather by Crafty Prospector
2nd Dam: Capable Miss by
3rd Dam: Self Sufficient by Tampa Trouble
O: Di Giulio Jr Frank & Tiller R P
B: Gardiner Farms Limited
T: Tiller Robert P
J: Fraser C
$72,632 Lifetime: 9-5-0-1, $213,679
2-- Gangster, 118, h, 13, by Street Boss
1st Dam: Miss Isella by Silver Charm
2nd Dam: La Cucina (Ire) by Last Tycoon (Ire)
3rd Dam: Fandangerina by Grey Dawn II
O: Goldmart Farms
B: Nick Rennekamp
T: Attard Sid C
J: Husbands P
$18,763 Lifetime: 19-6-5-0, $284,998

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