Black Type Race

Pr Du Cadran - G1, €361,260, LCP,

10/02/05, , 2m858y, 4:36.00, T, SF
Margins: Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Reefscape (GB), 128, h, 2025, by Linamix (Fr)
1st Dam: Coraline (GB) by Sadler's Wells
2nd Dam: Bahamian (Ire) by Mill Reef
3rd Dam: Sorbus (Ire) by Busted (GB)
O: San Martin Mateo
T: Fabre Andre
J: Soumillon C
$171,720 Lifetime: 17-5-6-2, $544,758
2-- Ostankino (Fr), 128, h, 2025, by Zieten
1st Dam: Otaiti (Ire) by Sadler's Wells
2nd Dam: Ode by Lord Avie
3rd Dam: Ouro Verde by
O: San Martin Mateo
T: Lellouche Elie
J: Peslier O
$51,524 Lifetime: 11-4-4-1, $268,236

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