Black Type Race

Rose Of Lancaster S. - G3, £202,560, HAY,

08/06/05, , 1m572y, 2:17.17, T, TF
Margins: 3, 1 1/4, 7 Odds: 5, 0.67, 9
1-- Notable Guest, 129, c, 24, by Kingmambo
1st Dam: Yenda (GB) by Dancing Brave
2nd Dam: Aryenne (Fr) by Green Dancer
3rd Dam: Americaine (GB) by
B: Juddmonte Farms, Inc.
T: Stoute Sir Michael
J: Hughes R
$67,057 Lifetime: 9-4-2-1, $162,606
2-- David Junior, 119, h, 23, by Pleasant Tap
1st Dam: Paradise River by Irish River (Fr)
2nd Dam: North of Eden (Ire) by Northfields
3rd Dam: Tree of Knowledge (Ire) by Sassafras (Fr)
B: Arthur I. Appleton
T: Meehan B J
J: Hills R
$25,435 Lifetime: 7-3-1-1, $98,554
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Eustace J M P
J: Winston R
$12,718 Lifetime: 27-7-4-2, $141,666

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