Black Type Race

Irish 2000 Guineas - G1, €619,991, CGH,

05/21/05, , 1m, 1:41.60, T, YL
Margins: 2, 6, 2 Odds: 1.75, 1.75, 6.5
1-- Dubawi (Ire), 126, h, 23, by Dubai Millennium (GB)
1st Dam: Zomaradah (GB) by Deploy (GB)
2nd Dam: Jawaher (Ire) by Dancing Brave
3rd Dam: High Tern (Ire) by High Line (GB)
T: Suroor Saeed Bin
J: Dettori L
$287,806 Lifetime: 5-4-0-0, $570,954
2-- Oratorio (Ire), 126, h, 23, by Danehill
1st Dam: Mahrah by Vaguely Noble
2nd Dam: Montage by Alydar
3rd Dam: Katonka by Minnesota Mac
B: Barronstown Stud And Orpendale
T: O'Brien A P
J: Fallon K
$100,456 Lifetime: 9-4-3-0, $732,937
1st Dam: Grandiose Idea (Ire) by Danehill
2nd Dam: Gorgeoso by
3rd Dam: Geraldine's Store by Exclusive Native
T: Bolger J S
J: Manning K J
$50,228 Lifetime: 8-3-1-1, $283,155

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