Black Type Race

Gp Del Jockey Club Italiano - G1, €608,108, MLA,

10/17/04, , 1m858y, 2:13.60, T, SF
Margins: Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Shirocco (Ger), 125, h, 24, by Monsun (Ger)
1st Dam: So Sedulous by The Minstrel
2nd Dam: Sedulous (Ire) by Tap On Wood (Ire)
3rd Dam: Pendulina (GB) by
B: Baron Georg Von Ullmann
$239,520 Lifetime: 6-3-1-2, $751,266
2-- Electrocutionist, 125, h, 24, by Red Ransom
1st Dam: Elbaaha (GB) by Arazi
2nd Dam: Gesedeh (Ire) by Ela-Mana-Mou (Ire)
3rd Dam: Le Melody (GB) by
B: Compagnia Generale
$130,333 Lifetime: 5-4-1-0, $298,107
3-- Sweet Stream (Ity), 127, m, 2025, by Shantou
1st Dam: Snug Dinner (Ire) by Jareer
2nd Dam: Stand By Me (Ire) by Home Guard
3rd Dam: St John's Wood (GB) by
$78,405 Lifetime: 15-5-1-5, $360,439

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