Black Type Race

Kentucky Cup Classic Handicap - G2, $0, TP,

09/18/04, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.13, FT
Margins: 4, 3/4, nk Odds: 0.3, 11.3, 8.3
1-- Roses In May, 118, h, 25, by Devil His Due
1st Dam: Tell a Secret by Speak John
2nd Dam: Secret Retreat by Clandestine
3rd Dam: Retirement by Mizzen Mast
O: Ramsey Kenneth L & Sarah K
B: Margaux Farm LLC
T: Romans Dale
J: Velazquez J R
$221,500 Lifetime: 10-7-2-0, $995,187
2-- Pie N Burger, 117, g, 2025, by Twining
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Kagele Brothers Inc
B: Helen C. Alexander
T: Norman Cole
J: Theriot H J II
$70,000 Lifetime: 41-14-10-3, $912,133
3-- Sonic West, 113, c, 2025, by West By West
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Stone Spire LLC
B: Richard Lake
T: Van Berg Thomas L
J: Day P
$35,000 Lifetime: 19-7-4-2, $478,890

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