Black Type Race

Las Flores Handicap - G3, $0, SA,

02/22/04, , 6f, 1:08.02, WF
Margins: 3 1/4, 1, 5 Odds: 1.4, 1.2, 10.7
1-- Ema Bovary (Chi), 121, m, 26, by Edgy Diplomat
1st Dam: Coqueta (Chi) by Domineau
2nd Dam: Sucursal (Chi) by
3rd Dam: Safia (Chi) by
O: Beal Richard T & Ramsey Lana
B: Haras San Patricio
T: Ross Larry
J: Gonzalez R M
$64,379 Lifetime: 10-8-1-0, $282,419
2-- Buffythecenterfold, 117, h, 2025, by Capote
1st Dam: Augusta Springs by Nijinsky II
2nd Dam: Stellarette by Tentam
3rd Dam: Square Angel by Quadrangle
O: Brian Allen A & Stronach Stables
B: Overbrook Farm
T: Stute Melvin F
J: Garcia M S
$21,460 Lifetime: 15-5-5-2, $522,435
3-- Coconut Girl, 113, m, 2025, by Cryptoclearance
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Jpf Investments I LLC
B: Leslie R Grimm & Flint S Schulhofer
T: Aguirre Paul
J: Espinoza V
$12,876 Lifetime: 12-3-2-3, $135,356

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