Black Type Race

Malibu S. - G1, $0, SA,

12/26/04, , 7f, 1:21.89, FT
Margins: 1/2, no, no Odds: 2.4, 8.9, 21.8
1-- Rock Hard Ten, 121, h, 24, by Kris S.
1st Dam: Tersa by Mr. Prospector
2nd Dam: Peacefully by Jacinto
3rd Dam: Morning Calm by Broken Vow
O: Mercedes Stables LLC & Paulson Made
B: Madeleine A. Paulson
T: Mandella Richard E
J: Stevens G L
$150,000 Lifetime: 8-4-1-1, $790,380
2-- Lava Man, 115, h, 24, by Slew City Slew
1st Dam: Li'l Ms. Leonard by Nostalgia's Star
2nd Dam: Pink Native by Be a Native
3rd Dam: Pink Khal by Khalex
O: Std Racing Stable & Wood Jason
B: Lonnie Arterburn, Eve Kuhlmann & Kimkuhlmann
T: O'Neill Doug
J: Court J K
$50,000 Lifetime: 18-4-7-2, $260,603
3-- Harvard Avenue, 115, h, 2025, by You and I
1st Dam: Carrie Can by Saratoga Six
2nd Dam: Gentle Kelly by Gentle King
3rd Dam: Dolphins Dream by New Prospect
O: Ron Crockett Inc
B: Ron D. Crockett, Inc.
T: O'Neill Doug
J: Gomez G K
$30,000 Lifetime: 12-2-4-3, $188,106

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