Black Type Race

Pr D'Aumale - G3, €109,367, CHY,

09/13/04, , 1m, 1:38.90, T, SF
Margins: 1 1/2, 2, 3 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Birthstone (GB), 121, m, 23, by Machiavellian
1st Dam: Baya by Nureyev
2nd Dam: Barger by Riverman
3rd Dam: Trillion by Hail to Reason
T: Pantall H A
J: Lemaire C P
$44,676 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $63,313
2-- Portrayal, 121, m, 23, by Saint Ballado
1st Dam: True Glory (Ire) by In the Wings (GB)
2nd Dam: Truly Special (Ire) by Caerleon
3rd Dam: Arctique Royale (Ire) by Royal and Regal
B: Darley
T: Fabre Andre
J: Soumillon C
$17,870 Lifetime: 5-1-1-2, $57,718
3-- Faint Heart (Ire), 121, f, 2025, by Sadler's Wells
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Wachman D
J: Jarnet T
$13,403 Lifetime: 4-1-2-1, $33,889

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