Black Type Race

Pr Du Chemin De Fer Du Nord - G3, €105,243, CHY,

06/13/04, , 1m, 1:36.10, T, TF
Margins: hd, 2 1/2, shd Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- My Risk (Fr), 127, h, 26, by Take Risks (Fr)
1st Dam: Miss Pat by Vacarme
2nd Dam: Miss Mood (GB) by
3rd Dam: Missy (Fr) by Frontin
T: Beguigne J M
J: Soumillon C
$43,826 Lifetime: 12-7-2-1, $256,056
2-- Charming Groom (Fr), 123, h, 26, by Kaldoun (Fr)
1st Dam: Danagroom by Groom Dancer
2nd Dam: Charmante Dame (Fr) by Bellypha (Ire)
3rd Dam: Very Charming by Vaguely Noble
T: Head F
J: Peslier O
$17,530 Lifetime: 18-4-6-0, $157,742
3-- Star Valley (Fr), 123, c, 2025, by Starborough (GB)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Rouget J C
J: Mendizabal I
$13,148 Lifetime: 13-3-3-4, $119,961

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