Black Type Race

Meld S. - G3, €91,856, LEP,

07/26/03, , 1 1/4m, 2:06.90, T, TF
Margins: hd, 2, 3 Odds: 0.8, 3, 4
1-- Mingun, 123, h, 25, by A.P. Indy
1st Dam: Miesque by Nureyev
2nd Dam: Pasadoble by Prove Out
3rd Dam: Santa Quilla by
B: Flaxman Holdings, Ltd.
T: O'Brien A P
J: Kinane M J
$52,384 Lifetime: 4-3-1-0, $142,403
2-- Carnival Dancer, 136, h, 27, by Shafrazi
1st Dam: Frabovalay by Carnivalay
2nd Dam: Great Commercial by
3rd Dam: Greatful by
T: Perrett Mrs A J
J: Fallon K
$16,118 Lifetime: 15-4-2-1, $191,080
3-- In Time's Eye (GB), 133, c, 2025, by Singspiel (Ire)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Weld D K
J: Smullen P J
$8,059 Lifetime: 8-2-3-1, $120,567

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