Black Type Race

Sunshine Millions Turf S. (R) $0, SA,

01/25/03, , 1 1/8m, 1:46.48, T, FM
Margins: no, 1, 1 Odds: 9, 8, 2.8
1-- Adminniestrator, 120, h, 2025, by Incinderator
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Nierenberg Nico
B: Fred N. Sahadi
T: Gallagher Patrick
J: Flores D R
$262,900 Lifetime: 34-9-8-2, $710,101
2-- Music's Storm, 118, c, 2025, by Storm Creek
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Jones Aaron U & Marie D
B: Mockingbird Farm, Inc.
T: Inda Eduardo
J: Desormeaux K J
$95,600 Lifetime: 13-3-3-0, $226,170
3-- Forbidden Apple, 120, h, 30, by Pleasant Colony
1st Dam: North of Eden (Ire) by Northfields
2nd Dam: Tree of Knowledge (Ire) by Sassafras (Fr)
3rd Dam: Sensibility by Hail to Reason
O: Appleton Arthur I
B: Arthur I. Appleton
T: Clement Christophe
J: Nakatani C S
$57,360 Lifetime: 31-8-6-9, $1,475,520

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