Black Type Race

Clement L. Hirsch Mem. Turf Chp. S. - G1, $0, SA,

09/28/03, , 1 1/4m, 2:01.64, T, FM
Margins: 1/2, 1 1/4, 1 1/2 Odds: 0.3, 3, 5.8
Also Ran: Continuously,
1-- Storming Home (GB), 124, h, 27, by Machiavellian
1st Dam: Try To Catch Me by Shareef Dancer
2nd Dam: It's In The Air by Mr. Prospector
3rd Dam: A Wind Is Rising by Francis S.
O: Al Maktoum Sheik Maktoum B
B: Gainsborough Stud Management Ltd
T: Drysdale Neil
J: Stevens G L
$150,000 Lifetime: 23-8-4-3, $1,536,932
2-- Johar, 124, h, 26, by Gone West
1st Dam: Windsharp by Lear Fan
2nd Dam: Yes She's Sharp by Sharpen Up (GB)
3rd Dam: Yes Sir by Scat Daddy
O: The Thoroughbred Corporation
B: The Thoroughbred Corporation
T: Mandella Richard E
J: Solis A
$50,000 Lifetime: 14-5-4-2, $731,296
3-- Irish Warrior, 124, g, 12, by Warrior's Reward
1st Dam: Irish Crystal by End Sweep
2nd Dam: Going Gallant by
3rd Dam: by
O: Coleman Dasaro & Thompson Et Al
B: Robert B. Berger
T: Dollase Wallace
J: Krone J A
$30,000 Lifetime: 20-6-6-4, $499,500

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