Black Type Race

Exceller Handicap - L, $0, SA,

01/25/03, , 1m, 1:33.19, T, FM
Margins: hd, 1, no Odds: 3.7, 3.7, 12.5
1-- Alyzig, 113, h, 28, by Danzig
1st Dam: Touch of Love by Alydar
2nd Dam: Assurgent by Damascus
3rd Dam: Sally Stark by
O: Taub Steve
B: Wertheimer & Frere
T: Mulhall Kristin
J: Krone J A
$48,090 Lifetime: 18-3-5-2, $164,083
2-- Night Life (Fr), 117, h, 2025, by Highest Honor (Fr)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Taub Steve
B: Haras De Manneville
T: Mulhall Kristin
J: Espinoza V
$16,030 Lifetime: 14-5-2-3, $176,856
3-- February Storm, 117, h, 26, by Storm Cat
1st Dam: Lilac Garden by Roberto
2nd Dam: Balletomane by Nijinsky II
3rd Dam: Nanticious by Nantallah
O: The Thoroughbred Corporation
B: The Thoroughbred Corp.
T: Lukas D Wayne
J: Pincay L Jr
$9,618 Lifetime: 19-4-2-3, $202,571

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