Black Type Race

King George Vi And Queen Elizabeth Diamo - G1, £0, ASC,

07/26/03, , 1 1/2m, 02:33.260, T, GD
Margins: 3HF, 2, HF Odds: 6.5, 4.5, 3.5
1-- Alamshar (Ire), 121, h, 25, by Key of Luck
1st Dam: Alaiyda by Shahrastani
2nd Dam: Aliysa (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Alannya (Fr) by Relko (GB)
T: Oxx John M
J: Murtagh J P
$704,831 Lifetime: 7-5-1-1, $2,005,111
2-- Sulamani (Ire), 133, h, 26, by Hernando (Fr)
1st Dam: Soul Dream by Alleged
2nd Dam: Normia (GB) by Northfields
3rd Dam: Mia Pola by
B: Niarchos Family
T: Suroor Saeed Bin
J: Dettori L
$267,350 Lifetime: 9-5-2-0, $2,527,558
3-- Kris Kin, 121, h, 25, by Kris S.
1st Dam: Angel In My Heart (Fr) by Rainbow Quest
2nd Dam: Sweetly (Fr) by Lyphard
3rd Dam: Sweet And Lovely (Fr) by
B: Flaxman Holdings, Ltd.
T: Stoute Sir Michael
J: Fallon K
$133,675 Lifetime: 5-3-0-1, $1,627,542

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