Black Type Race

Arlington Handicap - G3, $0, AP,

07/27/02, , 1 1/4m, 2:03.13, T, YL
Margins: nk, 1/2, nk Odds: 5.6, 1.9, 24.3
1st Dam: Flying Circus by Gay Mecene
2nd Dam: Flying Sauce by On the Sauce
3rd Dam: L'Astragale by
O: Tanaka Gary A
B: Petra Bloodstock Agency Ltd
T: Burke Donald J II
J: Douglas R R
$135,000 Lifetime: 16-5-1-1, $616,128
2-- Kappa King, 117, h, 2025, by Kingmambo
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Tatham Thomas P
B: Albert G. Clay
T: Frankel Robert J
J: Valenzuela P A
$45,000 Lifetime: 11-4-4-2, $156,490
3-- Gretchen's Star, 115, g, 30, by Mr. Leader
1st Dam: Lady Gretchen by Akureyri
2nd Dam: Lou's Gretchen by
3rd Dam: Wowsy Dowsy by Royal Beacon II
O: Isbell Ron Jr
B: Eugene L. Alfrey & John Goodloe Jr.
T: Isbell Ron Jr
J: Razo E Jr
$24,750 Lifetime: 10-4-1-3, $147,310

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