Black Type Race

Santa Margarita Invitational Hcp. - G1, $0, SA,

03/10/02, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.01, FT
Margins: 3, 1, 4 Odds: 2.2, 3.5, 2.2
1-- Azeri, 115, m, 27, by Jade Hunter
1st Dam: Zodiac Miss by
2nd Dam: Capriconia (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Franconia (Aus) by Rheingold (GB)
O: Allen E Paulson Living Trust
B: Allen E. Paulson
T: De Seroux Laura
J: Smith M E
$180,000 Lifetime: 5-4-1-0, $300,400
2-- Spain, 118, m, 28, by Thunder Gulch
1st Dam: Drina by Regal and Royal
2nd Dam: Wandering Lace by Private Account
3rd Dam: Shujinsky by Nijinsky II
O: The Thoroughbred Corporation
B: The Thoroughbred Corporation
T: Lukas D Wayne
J: Espinoza V
$60,000 Lifetime: 31-7-9-6, $3,067,040
3-- Printemps (Chi), 116, m, 2025, by Hussonet
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Amerman Racing Stables
B: Haras De Pirque
T: McAnally Ronald
J: McCarron C J
$36,000 Lifetime: 6-2-1-3, $309,140

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