Black Type Race

Irish Champion S. - G1, €1,024,064, LEP,

09/07/02, , 1 1/4m, 2:04.70, T, TF
Margins: shd, nk, 6 Odds: 2.5, 0.73, 12
1-- Grandera (Ire), 130, h, 27, by Grand Lodge
1st Dam: Bordighera by Alysheba
2nd Dam: Blue Tip (Fr) by Tip Moss (Fr)
3rd Dam: As Blue (GB) by
T: Suroor Saeed Bin
J: Dettori L
$613,009 Lifetime: 13-5-4-1, $1,287,309
2-- Hawk Wing, 123, h, 26, by Woodman
1st Dam: La Lorgnette by Val de L'Orne (Fr)
2nd Dam: The Temptress by Nijinsky II
3rd Dam: La Sevillana by
B: Hill 'N Dale Farm
T: O'Brien A P
J: Kinane M J
$215,710 Lifetime: 8-4-4-0, $1,315,049
1st Dam: Sueboog (Ire) by Darshaan (GB)
2nd Dam: Nordica (Ire) by Northfields
3rd Dam: Princess Arabella (GB) by
T: Suroor Saeed Bin
J: Spencer J P
$107,855 Lifetime: 16-3-1-6, $587,584

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