Black Type Race

Flying Five S. - G2, €128,620, CGH,

09/01/02, , 5f, 0:58.30, T, TF
Margins: hd, 1 1/2, 3/4 Odds: 2.25, 7, 3.5
1-- Danehurst (GB), 132, f, 2025, by Danehill
1st Dam: Miswaki Belle by Miswaki
2nd Dam: Belle Et Deluree by The Minstrel
3rd Dam: Sophisticated Girl by Stop the Music
T: Prescott Sir Mark
J: Duffield G
$79,461 Lifetime: 13-7-1-1, $319,696
1st Dam: Spout House (Ire) by Flash of Steel (Ire)
2nd Dam: Otterhill (GB) by
3rd Dam: Lowna (GB) by
T: Dutfield Rms P N
J: Doe P
$26,487 Lifetime: 17-3-3-2, $97,600
1st Dam: Ziffany (GB) by Taufan
2nd Dam: Bonnie Banks (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Light Link (GB) by
T: Given J G
J: Fenton M
$13,244 Lifetime: 19-7-1-4, $207,252

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