Black Type Race

Gordon Richards S. - G3, £84,879, SNP,

04/27/02, , 1 1/4m, 2:12.77, T, SF
Margins: 1 1/2, nk, 3 Odds: 4.5, 3, 10
1-- Chancellor (Ire), 122, h, 27, by Halling
1st Dam: Isticanna by Far North
2nd Dam: Guest Night (Ire) by Sir Ivor
3rd Dam: Mesopotamia (GB) by Kodiac (GB)
T: Hills B W
J: Hills M
$33,795 Lifetime: 9-3-2-0, $125,377
2-- Border Arrow (GB), 122, g, 2025, by Selkirk
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Balding I A
J: Fallon K
$12,819 Lifetime: 23-5-5-7, $545,275
1st Dam: Gorgeous Dancer (Ire) by Nordico
2nd Dam: Simply Gorgeous (GB) by Hello Gorgeous
3rd Dam: Parthica (GB) by
T: Channon M R
J: Drowne S
$6,409 Lifetime: 24-4-3-5, $107,273

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