Black Type Race

American Handicap - G2, $0, HOL,

07/04/01, , 1 1/8m, 1:48.19, T, FM
Margins: 1, 1, no Odds: 14.2, 10.5, 3.9
1-- Takarian (Ire), 114, c, 2025, by Doyoun (Ire)
1st Dam: Takarouna by Green Dancer
2nd Dam: Tarsila (Ire) by High Top (Ire)
3rd Dam: Sega Ville by
O: Columbine Stable Greely III & Nicho
B: H H The Aga Khan's Studs Sc
T: Greely C Beau
J: Gomez G K
$90,000 Lifetime: 31-6-4-4, $527,494
2-- Fighting Falcon, 114, c, 2025, by Manila
1st Dam: Lovlier Laura by
2nd Dam: Century Type by Levee Dancer
3rd Dam: Ocean Party by Better Bee
O: Livitsanos Bully & Recachina Dion A
B: Dion A. Recachina
T: Dollase Wallace
J: Almeida G F
$30,000 Lifetime: 17-4-4-3, $435,705
3-- Fateful Dream, 116, h, 28, by Distant View
1st Dam: Fitnah by Fit to Fight
2nd Dam: Mrs. Hat (GB) by Sharpen Up (GB)
3rd Dam: Hatter's Dream by Buckpasser
O: Gann Edmund A
B: Palides Investments N.V., Inc.
T: Frankel Robert J
J: Flores D R
$18,000 Lifetime: 11-5-0-1, $189,567

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