Black Type Race

Appleton Handicap - G2, $0, GP,

01/06/01, , 1m, 1:33.69, T, FM
Margins: nk, hd, 1 1/2 Odds: 36.5, 3.2, 31.4
1-- Associate, 114, h, 17, by Wando
1st Dam: Free as Tristan by Crafty Friend
2nd Dam: Miss Carlotita (Arg) by Masqued Dancer
3rd Dam: Carpolita (Arg) by
O: Orr James W Jr
B: Mark Goodlet
T: Weiner R Leslie
J: Chavez J F
$90,000 Lifetime: 22-7-0-5, $275,854
2-- Band Is Passing, 119, h, 29, by Pass the Line
1st Dam: Fairforband by Fairway Fortune
2nd Dam: Bandiera by
3rd Dam: Wild Courage by
O: Ersoff Stanley M
B: Stanley Ersoff
T: Ersoff Stanley M
J: Coa E M
$30,000 Lifetime: 18-9-4-2, $404,021
3-- El Mirasol, 115, g, 2025, by Jeblar
1st Dam: Sweet Baby by
2nd Dam: Lip Talk by Assagai
3rd Dam: Lip Rouge by Mahmoud
O: Thompson Gil & Velsor Jim
B: Farnsworth Farm & Sucher Stable
T: Forbes John H
J: Smith M E
$16,500 Lifetime: 35-6-4-5, $286,055

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