Black Type Race

Cajun S. (R) $0, LAD,

10/13/01, , 6f, 1:10.58, MY
Margins: 10, nk, hd Odds: 0.7, 8.8, 3.4
1-- Kettle Man, 117, g, 15, by Our New Recruit
1st Dam: Excessiveobsession by In Excess (Ire)
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Wood Phyllis T
B: Phyllis Wood
T: Norman Cole
J: Lovato A J
$24,090 Lifetime: 13-7-0-0, $109,170
2-- Early Goer, 117, g, 2025, by Zuppardo's Prince
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Brittlyn Stable
B: Brehon Farm
T: Cathey Bradley J
J: Ardoin R
$8,029 Lifetime: 20-5-4-4, $190,233
3-- Oak Hall, 119, g, 29, by Olympio
1st Dam: Red Hot Sunday by Top Avenger
2nd Dam: Ashley B. by Quack
3rd Dam: Native Splendor by Raise a Native
O: Ortego Ena
B: Elvin Ortego
T: Wardrop Doyle
J: Leblanc K P
$4,416 Lifetime: 29-11-7-4, $251,232

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