Black Type Race

Contrary Rose S. (R) $0, PIM,

09/06/01, , 6f, 1:11.26, FT
Margins: 1 3/4, 3/4, 2 Odds: 1.7, 27.7, 2.5
1-- Classic Olympio, 119, m, 28, by Olympio
1st Dam: Palm Beach Dewey by Talc
2nd Dam: Lilac Hill by Prince John
3rd Dam: Red Damask by Awesome Again
O: Winchell Verne H
B: Greg Peach
T: Dickinson Michael W
J: Pino M G
$24,000 Lifetime: 17-6-4-3, $330,078
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Plaine Enterprises Inc
B: Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Pineau
T: Costew John B
J: Goberdhan C P
$8,000 Lifetime: 49-7-9-10, $199,927
3-- Halfway North, 119, h, 2025, by Norquestor
1st Dam: Half Informed by
2nd Dam: Fast Speculator by
3rd Dam: Fasting by
O: John V Alecci Stable
B: Costas Triatafilos
T: Alecci John V
J: Dominguez R A
$4,400 Lifetime: 32-7-6-6, $167,373

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