Black Type Race

Empire Classic Handicap (R) $0, BEL,

10/21/01, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.16, FT
Margins: 1 3/4, 2 3/4, 2 Odds: 1.8, 8.3, 6.1
1-- Scottish Halo, 120, h, 28, by Jolie's Halo
1st Dam: Scottische by Deputy Minister
2nd Dam: Dundrum Dancer by Caucasus
3rd Dam: Willowfield by
O: Oxley John C
B: Petelain Stables & John P. Savin
T: Rizzo Paul
J: Vega H
$150,000 Lifetime: 14-6-1-0, $406,600
2-- Duplicitous, 115, c, 2025, by Unaccounted For
1st Dam: My Sika by True Knight
2nd Dam: Warfingers by Warfare
3rd Dam: Three Fingers by One Count
O: Perez Robert
B: John Hettinger,
T: Zito Nicholas P
J: Gryder A T
$50,000 Lifetime: 34-7-8-4, $333,641
3-- Saratoga Sunrise, 118, h, 2025, by Personal Flag
1st Dam: Party Widow by
2nd Dam: Tasarinan by Farewell Party
3rd Dam: Widow Susan by
O: Jones Frank L Jr
B: Thomas J. Gallo & Mia Gallo
T: Romans Dale
J: Velazquez J R
$27,500 Lifetime: 29-12-3-5, $504,499

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