Black Type Race

Feedbag Special Claiming S. $0, RIL,

03/10/01, , 4f, 0:50.00, SL
Margins: 6, no, 1 Odds: 3.5, 8.6, 2.8
1-- Bingo Prize, 124, c, 2025, by The Prime Minister
1st Dam: Crafty's Bingo by
2nd Dam: Granny by Marshua's Dancer
3rd Dam: Miss Teddy Bear by Bold Discovery
O: Lowe Alfonso G
B: Triple Aaa Ranch
T: Megariz Eddie
J: Fierro J M
$1,378 Lifetime: 51-6-7-6, $16,364
2-- Cop Out, 124, g, 2025, by Lucky Sec
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: William Sanchez
B: Brad Waletzko
T: Quiroga Alex N
J: Reyes-Frisby D
$460 Lifetime: 28-4-9-1, $16,380
3-- Sam San, 124, g, 2025, by The Miller (Fr)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Holman Mary
B: Crivello Stables
T: Aker Wiley
J: Gamez F M
$230 Lifetime: 44-4-3-10, $14,822

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