Black Type Race

Friendship S. (2yo C&G) (R) $0, LAD,

11/10/01, , 6f, 1:10.51, FT
Margins: 7, 2, 10 Odds: 0.5, 2.2, 23.6
1-- Front Nine, 118, g, 26, by Jules
1st Dam: American Gal by American Standard
2nd Dam: Playground Queen by Exceller
3rd Dam: Declared by
O: Few Ed
B: Ed Few
T: Morgan Tommie T
J: Garner C J
$43,910 Lifetime: 6-3-0-1, $74,110
2-- Balkan, 118, h, 11, by Kantharos
1st Dam: Bali Silver by Open Forum
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Hunt Nelson B
B: Dr. Jack L. Allen
T: Asmussen Steven M
J: Melancon G
$14,636 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0, $25,436
3-- Onlynurimagination, 118, g, 2025, by Marfa
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Laird James C & Dodwell Caroline
B: J. C. Laird & Diamond D Ranch
T: Dodwell Edward
J: Leblanc K P
$8,050 Lifetime: 8-1-0-4, $26,390

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