Black Type Race

Gotham S. - G3, $0, AQU,

03/18/01, , 1m, 1:35.14, FT
Margins: 5 1/4, nk, 6 1/4 Odds: 3.4, 5.9, 7.5
1-- Richly Blended, 116, h, 27, by Rizzi
1st Dam: Valid Blend by Valid Appeal
2nd Dam: Blend Of Poetry by Iron Constitution
3rd Dam: Light Face by Barbizon
O: Dweck Raymond
B: Mockingbird Farm, Inc.
T: Perkins Ben Jr
J: Wilson R
$120,000 Lifetime: 3-3-0-0, $150,780
2-- Mr. John, 116, h, 27, by Golden Gear
1st Dam: Come On Texas by Apalachee
2nd Dam: Fabulous Jeanie by Jeff D.
3rd Dam: Jeanie Decathlon by Decathlon
O: Van Meter II Thomas F
B: Lantern Hill Farm
T: Walden W Elliott
J: Velazquez J R
$40,000 Lifetime: 4-2-1-1, $90,930
3-- Voodoo, 116, c, 27, by Petionville
1st Dam: Slide Show by Slewacide
2nd Dam: Screen Landing by Silent Screen
3rd Dam: Lady Summit by First Landing
O: Moore Susan & John
B: Everest Stables, Inc.
T: Jerkens James A
J: Castillo H Jr
$22,000 Lifetime: 5-2-1-2, $98,588

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