Black Type Race

La Lorgnette S. - L, $0, WO,

10/14/01, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.82, SY
Margins: 9 1/4, 1/2, nk Odds: 8.95, 2.85, 18.8
1-- Madame Red, 116, m, 2025, by Forest Wildcat
1st Dam: Sirlass by Sirlad (Ire)
2nd Dam: Tort Lass by Grey Eagle
3rd Dam: Adjudicate Miss by Traffic Judge
O: Norseman Racing Stable
B: Pam Clark & Tom Evans
T: Tiller Robert P
J: Husbands P
$67,320 Lifetime: 9-5-1-1, $225,036
2-- Royal Fact, 117, f, 2025, by Known Fact
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Stronach Stable
B: Stronach Stables
T: Attard Kevin
J: Landry R C
$22,440 Lifetime: 9-3-3-1, $176,263
3-- Miss Benny, 117, f, 2025, by Binalong
1st Dam: Miss Lad by Sirlad (Ire)
2nd Dam: Missy Bushy by Bushido
3rd Dam: Off The Record 2nd by
O: Udit Ronald S
B: Elliot R Safdie & Naomi Safdie
T: McKnight Norman
J: Kabel T K
$12,342 Lifetime: 16-3-5-5, $205,162

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