Black Type Race

Lieutenant Governors' Handicap - G3, $0, HST,

07/01/01, , 1 1/8m, 1:49.95, FT
Margins: nk, 1, 1 3/4 Odds: 2, 18.7, 4.05
1-- Rampaging Alf, 119, c, 2025, by Alfaari
1st Dam: Rampaging Fire by
2nd Dam: Sunniness by
3rd Dam: Mrs. Cessford by
O: Minichiello Fashion Stable
B: S. W. Barnes
T: Jordan Terry
J: Alvarado P V
$48,645 Lifetime: 17-10-1-2, $214,839
2-- Lord Nelson, 115, h, 13, by Pulpit
1st Dam: African Jade by Seeking the Gold
2nd Dam: Miss Linda (Arg) by Southern Halo
3rd Dam: Miss Peggy (Arg) by Fitzcarraldo (Arg)
O: Bennett Mr & Mrs R J
B: Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Bennett
T: Condilenios Dino
J: Fuentes F P
$16,215 Lifetime: 9-3-2-1, $67,697
3-- King Jeremy, 118, g, 28, by Free At Last
1st Dam: Bold Time by Bold Laddie
2nd Dam: Hula Time by Olden Times
3rd Dam: Wahine Dancer by Hawaii
O: Bold Four Thoroughbreds & Arnet Rus
B: R. Lee
T: Anderson Robert G
J: Wilson D H
$8,918 Lifetime: 16-7-4-2, $197,941

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