Black Type Race

Pr Umbria - G3, €56,752, ROM,

11/18/01, , 5f, 1:09.60, T, SF
Margins: 3/4, nk, 3/4 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Nil (Ire), 134, h, 32, by Danehill
1st Dam: Padula (Ire) by Artaius
2nd Dam: Padova by
3rd Dam: Theta by Mari's Book
$34,429 Lifetime: 82-23-15-17, $602,826
2-- Gaelic Dream (Fr), 131, f, 2025, by Jarbridge
1st Dam: Devonshire Wind by
2nd Dam: Lake Lonely by
3rd Dam: Lalo by
$16,061 Lifetime: 21-4-4-1, $101,232
1st Dam: Shadow Casting (GB) by Warning (GB)
2nd Dam: Fanciful (Fr) by Gay Mecene
3rd Dam: Bold Fantasy (Ire) by Bold Lad (Ire)
$9,029 Lifetime: 21-9-2-3, $218,940

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