Black Type Race

Preis Von Europa - G1, €211,768, COL,

09/23/01, , 1m858y, 2:38.21, T, SF
Margins: 4, 1/2, 1 3/4 Odds: 0, 0, 0
1-- Kutub (Ire), 133, h, 28, by In the Wings (GB)
1st Dam: Minnie Habit (Ire) by Habitat
2nd Dam: Minnie Tudor (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Tiny Toque (GB) by
$140,550 Lifetime: 10-4-4-1, $533,270
2-- Yavana's Pace (Ire), 133, g, 2025, by Accordion (Ire)
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
B: Keaney Joan
$56,220 Lifetime: 59-14-12-7, $759,228
3-- Noroit (Ger), 123, h, 27, by Monsun (Ger)
1st Dam: Noble Princesse (Ger) by Windwurf (Ger)
2nd Dam: Nagaika (Ger) by Chief
3rd Dam: Norbelle (Fr) by
$28,110 Lifetime: 6-2-0-2, $90,652

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