Black Type Race

Rancho Bernardo Handicap - G3, $0, DMR,

08/19/01, , 6.5f, 1:15.52, FT
Margins: hd, 3, 3 1/2 Odds: 1.6, 0.6, 11.4
1-- Kalookan Queen, 119, m, 29, by Lost Code
1st Dam: Regal Realm by Majestic Prince
2nd Dam: Clear Copy by Copy Chief
3rd Dam: Half Tone by Tudor Minstrel
O: Asistio Louis A
B: Donald Zuckerman & Mary Zuckerman
T: Headley Bruce
J: Solis A
$90,000 Lifetime: 15-6-6-2, $423,894
2-- Go Go, 125, m, 28, by Falstaff
1st Dam: Key Mist by Plugged Nickle
2nd Dam: Raise A Reason by Marshua's Dancer
3rd Dam: Misty Clarion by Proud Clarion
O: Thomas & Thomas Racing
B: Chris Ray
T: Stute Warren
J: Delahoussaye E
$30,000 Lifetime: 15-8-3-1, $547,280
3-- Warren's Whistle, 111, f, 27, by Wolf Power (SAf)
1st Dam: Velveteen by Pirateer
2nd Dam: Happy Vixen by Quadrangle
3rd Dam: Nangela by Nearctic
O: Everard Everard & Six Dueces
B: Robert Harmon
T: Stute Melvin F
J: Espinoza V
$18,000 Lifetime: 20-4-1-6, $308,830

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