Black Type Race

Sagitta 2000 Guineas S. - G1, $617,854, NKT,

05/05/01, , 1m, 1:37.84, T, TF
Margins: 1 1/4, nk, 3 Odds: 11, 12, 14
1-- Golan (Ire), 126, h, 27, by Spectrum (Ire)
1st Dam: Highland Gift (Ire) by Generous (Ire)
2nd Dam: Scots Lass (GB) by
3rd Dam: Edinburgh (GB) by
B: Ballymacoll Stud Farm Ltd
T: Stoute Sir Michael
J: Fallon K
$249,707 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $255,348
2-- Tamburlaine (Ire), 126, h, 27, by Royal Academy
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
B: Gaucho Ltd
T: Hannon R
J: Hughes R
$94,717 Lifetime: 6-1-4-0, $172,654
3-- Frenchmans Bay (Fr), 126, h, 27, by Polar Falcon
1st Dam: River Fantasy by Irish River (Fr)
2nd Dam: Harbor Wine by
3rd Dam: Bourbon Mist by Double Jay
T: Charlton R
J: Eddery Pat
$47,358 Lifetime: 3-0-1-2, $65,920

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