Black Type Race

Sam Houston Sprint Handicap - L, $0, HOU,

01/06/01, , 7f, 1:22.70, FT
Margins: 1, 4, 1 Odds: 1.4, 3.4, 12.2
1-- Captain Countdown, 117, h, 29, by Relaunch
1st Dam: Bearly Cooking by Really Cooking
2nd Dam: Keg's Folly by
3rd Dam: Gran's Pick by
O: Farris Gearald
B: Dr. Gearald Farris
T: Asmussen Steven M
J: Murphy B G
$30,000 Lifetime: 24-7-4-4, $219,185
2-- Oak Hall, 114, g, 29, by Olympio
1st Dam: Red Hot Sunday by Top Avenger
2nd Dam: Ashley B. by Quack
3rd Dam: Native Splendor by Raise a Native
O: Ortego Ena
B: Elvin Ortego
T: Wardrop Doyle
J: Avant J E
$10,000 Lifetime: 22-8-6-2, $162,936
3-- Gold Press, 113, c, 2025, by Seeking the Gold
1st Dam: Printing Press by Tapit
2nd Dam: Wealth Of Nations by Key to the Mint
3rd Dam: Admiring by Hail to Reason
O: Cannon Creek Farm
B: Dr. & Mrs. R. S. West & Mr. & Mrs. Mackenzie Miller
T: Hassenpflug Chad
J: Bourque S J
$5,500 Lifetime: 12-3-2-2, $86,860

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