Black Type Race

Victorian Queen S. (R) $0, WO,

10/03/01, , 6f, 1:12.65, FT
Margins: nk, 2 1/2, nk Odds: 2.45, 1.7, 5.95
1-- Parisia, 115, m, 2025, by Tethra
1st Dam: Parisian Gladiator by Great Gladiator
2nd Dam: French Knot by Ruritania
3rd Dam: Sew To Bed by
O: Burnett Theodore F
B: Doris Carey
T: Mattine Michael
J: Montpellier C
$62,340 Lifetime: 5-1-1-1, $100,209
2-- Jade Eyed, 121, m, 2025, by Friendly Lover
1st Dam: Jade Cat by Jade Hunter
2nd Dam: Kitten Ridge by
3rd Dam: Bold Kitten by Kitten's Joy
O: Stronach Stable
B: Adena Springs
T: Attard Kevin
J: Olguin G L
$20,780 Lifetime: 4-2-1-0, $128,255
3-- My Valley Girl, 114, f, 2025, by Friendly Lover
1st Dam: A Lady For Zaidy by
2nd Dam: Regal Tad by
3rd Dam: Tad by
O: Greenbloom Susan & Partners
B: Lorne Weiss
T: Silvera Arthur
J: Bahen S R
$11,429 Lifetime: 2-0-0-1, $14,453

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