Black Type Race

Vodafone Coronation Cup - G1, £483,720, EPS,

06/08/01, , 1m902y, 2:36.05, T, TF
Margins: shd, 4, shd Odds: 5.5, 3.5, 1.5
1-- Mutafaweq, 126, h, 29, by Silver Hawk
1st Dam: The Caretaker (Ire) by Caerleon
2nd Dam: Go Feather Go by Go Marching
3rd Dam: Feather Bed by Johns Joy
B: Murifield Ventures & Jayeff B Stables
T: Suroor Saeed Bin
J: Dettori L
$208,650 Lifetime: 14-7-1-2, $1,771,500
2-- Wellbeing (GB), 126, h, 2025, by Sadler's Wells
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
T: Cecil H R A
J: Quinn T
$79,983 Lifetime: 8-4-1-1, $196,657
3-- Millenary (GB), 126, h, 28, by Rainbow Quest
1st Dam: Ballerina (Ire) by Dancing Brave
2nd Dam: Dancing Shadow (Ire) by Dancer's Image
3rd Dam: Sunny Valley (Ire) by Val de Loir
T: Dunlop J L
J: Eddery Pat
$39,991 Lifetime: 9-5-0-2, $453,711

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