Black Type Race

Vosburgh S. - G1, $0, BEL,

09/22/01, , 7f, 1:20.73, FT
Margins: 1/2, 9 3/4, nk Odds: 3.75, 0.75, 27
1-- Left Bank, 126, h, 28, by French Deputy
1st Dam: Marshesseaux by Dr. Blum
2nd Dam: Loboette by Good Counsel
3rd Dam: Chanderelle by Graustark
O: Tabor Michael B
B: John Youngblood & Fletcher Gray
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Velazquez J R
$180,000 Lifetime: 18-10-2-0, $546,659
2-- Squirtle Squirt, 123, h, 27, by Marquetry
1st Dam: Lost The Code by Lost Code
2nd Dam: Smarter By the Day by Smarten
3rd Dam: Tentamara by Tentam
O: Lanzman David J
B: Dr. Audrey Narducci
T: Frankel Robert J
J: Bailey J D
$60,000 Lifetime: 13-7-3-0, $547,220
3-- Big E E, 126, h, 28, by Jolie's Halo
1st Dam: Proud Clarioness by Tri Jet
2nd Dam: Forest Murmurs by Proud Clarion
3rd Dam: Reverie by Nijinsky II
O: L Hollow Farms
B: Louis A. Gurino
T: Jerkens James A
J: Migliore R
$33,000 Lifetime: 19-5-5-3, $306,360

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