Black Type Race

Yorkshire Oaks - G1, £521,790, YRK,

08/22/01, , 1m858y, 2:30.17, T, TF
Margins: 1, 2 1/2, 2 1/2 Odds: 25, 2, 20
1-- Super Tassa (Ire), 130, m, 2025, by Lahib
1st Dam: Center Moriches (Ire) by
2nd Dam: Tumble Royal (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Royal Nell (Ire) by
T: Valiani V
J: Darley K
$209,482 Lifetime: 23-7-5-3, $494,944
2-- Sacred Song, 130, m, 2025, by Diesis (GB)
1st Dam: Ruby Ransom by Red Ransom
2nd Dam: Amelia Bearhart by Bold Hour
3rd Dam: Myrtlewood Lass by Ribot
B: Jamm Ltd.
T: Cecil H R A
J: Quinn T
$79,459 Lifetime: 8-4-2-2, $167,446
3-- Rockerlong (GB), 120, f, 2025, by Deploy (GB)
1st Dam: Dancing Rocks (GB) by Green Dancer
2nd Dam: Croda Rossa by Grey Sovereign (GB)
3rd Dam: Crenelle (GB) by Kingman (GB)
T: Wragg G
J: Holland D
$39,729 Lifetime: 8-1-2-2, $101,493

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