Black Type Race

Coolmore Lexington S. - G2, $0, KEE,

04/22/00, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.72, FT
Margins: 3, hd, no Odds: 6.3, 3.2, 20.9
1-- Unshaded, 116, g, 28, by Unbridled
1st Dam: Shade The Flame by Caucasus
2nd Dam: Shadycroft Gal by Bupers
3rd Dam: Pussy Toes by Citation
O: Tafel James B
B: Shawnna Sorenson
T: Nafzger Carl A
J: Sellers S J
$221,588 Lifetime: 5-3-0-1, $264,648
2-- Globalize, 120, h, 28, by Summer Squall
1st Dam: Sugar Hill Chick by Fit to Fight
2nd Dam: Say What You Mean by Judger
3rd Dam: Call the Queen by Hail to Reason
O: H Litt G Todaro & J Hollendorfer
B: W. S. Farish & W. Temple Webber, Jr.
T: Hollendorfer Jerry
J: Torres F C
$71,480 Lifetime: 9-5-2-0, $599,130
3-- Harlan Traveler, 116, h, 2025, by Harlan
1st Dam: Protostar by Procida
2nd Dam: Mysterious Star by
3rd Dam: Mysterious by Crepello (GB)
O: Green Curtis C
B: Arthur B. Hancock, III
T: Lawrence Raymond Jr
J: Smith M E
$35,740 Lifetime: 8-2-0-4, $105,195

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