Black Type Race

Gottstein Futurity - L, $0, EMD,

09/10/00, , 1 1/16m, 1:44.00.
Margins: 3 1/4, 2 1/4, 2 Odds: 3.1, 5.4, 2.7
1-- Jumron Won, 120, g, 27, by Jumron (GB)
1st Dam: Inspired Verse by Opening Verse
2nd Dam: Inspire by Tell
3rd Dam: Colnesian by Boldnesian
O: Segale, Bill and Rosatto, Ray
B: Prisco Vacca
T: Bud Klokstad
J: Gallyn Vick Mitchell
$55,000 Lifetime: 40-11-5-9,$366,574
1-- Jumron Won, 120, g, 27, by Jumron (GB)
1st Dam: Inspired Verse by Opening Verse
2nd Dam: Inspire by Tell
3rd Dam: Colnesian by Boldnesian
O: Segale, Bill and Rosatto, Ray
B: Prisco Vacca
T: Bud Klokstad
J: Gallyn Vick Mitchell
$55,000 Lifetime: 40-11-5-9,$366,574
2-- Dr. Slew, 120, g, 27, by Slewdledo
1st Dam: Merry Dream by Basket Weave
2nd Dam: Merry Madeleine by Fleet Host
3rd Dam: Dinty's Cipria by Kingly
O: Mike McCrea
B: Mr. & Mrs. David A. Thorner
T: Tim McCanna
J: Miguel A. Perez
$20,000 Lifetime: 53-5-14-5,$136,570
2-- Dr. Slew, 120, g, 27, by Slewdledo
1st Dam: Merry Dream by Basket Weave
2nd Dam: Merry Madeleine by Fleet Host
3rd Dam: Dinty's Cipria by Kingly
O: Mike McCrea
B: Mr. & Mrs. David A. Thorner
T: Tim McCanna
J: Miguel A. Perez
$20,000 Lifetime: 53-5-14-5,$136,570
3-- Legendary Weave, 120, h, 27, by Basket Weave
1st Dam: Graduation Time by Mehmet
2nd Dam: Study Time by Greco Time
3rd Dam: Toroda by Strong Ruler
O: Lanning, Curt and Lila
B: Chris Webber & Nancy Webber
T: Frank Lucarelli
J: Nathan J. Chaves
$15,000 Lifetime: 45-9-8-10,$406,350
3-- Legendary Weave, 120, h, 27, by Basket Weave
1st Dam: Graduation Time by Mehmet
2nd Dam: Study Time by Greco Time
3rd Dam: Toroda by Strong Ruler
O: Lanning, Curt and Lila
B: Chris Webber & Nancy Webber
T: Frank Lucarelli
J: Nathan J. Chaves
$15,000 Lifetime: 45-9-8-10,$406,350

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