Black Type Race

Everget S. - L, $0, DEL,

08/19/00, , 6f, 1:11.53, FT
Margins: 7 3/4, 2, 2 3/4 Odds: 2.4, 3.2, 14.3
1-- Lady Andromeda, 117, m, 27, by Maria's Mon
1st Dam: Shadow Ram by Ogygian
2nd Dam: Tough Tender by Bold Bidder
3rd Dam: Blazon by Ack Ack
O: S J B Stable Jr
B: Springwood, Highclere & Domino Stud
T: Ritchey Tim F
J: Rocco J
$45,000 Lifetime: 2-1-0-0, $45,000
2-- Cantkeepfromsingin, 114, f, 2025, by You and I
1st Dam: Cherie's Hope by Flying Paster
2nd Dam: Hill Pleasure by What a Pleasure
3rd Dam: Hill River by
O: Jayeff B Stables
B: Jayeff B Stables
T: Goldberg Alan E
J: Colton R E
$15,000 Lifetime: 2-0-2-0, $21,000
3-- Easy Going Dixie, 115, h, 2025, by Dixieland Heat
1st Dam: Declamation by Elocutionist
2nd Dam: Liz. Piet by
3rd Dam: Miss Elizabeth by
O: Pecoraro Racing Stable
B: Penn Farm
T: Pecoraro Anthony
J: Castillo O O
$8,250 Lifetime: 7-1-3-1, $32,020

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