Black Type Race

Rushaway S. - L, $0, TP,

03/25/00, , 1 1/16m, 1:42.96, FT
Margins: hd, 2, 2 Odds: 3.8, 1, 4
1-- Ronton, 114, h, 28, by Cryptoclearance
1st Dam: Hurricane Judy by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Dream Harder by Hard Work
3rd Dam: Great Squaw by Great Circle
O: Jaltipan LLC Ron Waranch
B: Marian L. Conrad
T: Cerin Vladimir
J: Gomez G K
$62,600 Lifetime: 7-2-0-2, $105,068
2-- Graeme Hall, 112, h, 28, by Dehere
1st Dam: Win Crafty Lady by Crafty Prospector
2nd Dam: Honeytab by Al Hattab
3rd Dam: Get Up Honey by Buckaneer
O: Laura & Eugene Melnyk
B: Sabine Stables
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Smith M E
$20,000 Lifetime: 7-2-3-1, $171,518
3-- Valiant Style, 113, h, 28, by Valiant Nature
1st Dam: Saratoga Style by Conquistador Cielo
2nd Dam: Saratoga Fleet by Sir Gaylord
3rd Dam: Blue Canoe by Quiet American
O: McKee Stables
B: Sandy Lynn Price
T: Romans Dale
J: Torres F C
$8,000 Lifetime: 14-2-3-3, $101,737

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